Ihr wollt doch nicht wirklich wissen was ich denke?

Let's get rid of this embarrassing podcast and move on ... I've been thinking, what could be a thoughtful end to this girl's night out in the City. It's Thursday night, my stomach has been sealed with sticky rice with mango, my brain is as alert as it could be after the usual X and Y and Z I drank ... so, someone else has to come up with the smart stuff.
Why is it that we want to feel safe and secure, but yet we want to have adventures? Why can we feel empty and yet feel like we've never been happier. And what exactly is it, that gives us that comforting and tingling feeling in our stomach?
An attempt to Selbstfindung:
If we could find the link between all the things that we enjoy,
the things that give us pleasure,
the things we look back on fondly;
in that link we might get a glimpse of ourselves.
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