Madhu & Mandy's wedding

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, April 30, 2006, Madhu and Mandy got married - beautiful bride, handsome groom, pretty daughter, wonderful weather, green garden, great ceremony ... but why don't you see for yourself:

Signing the kethuba, the Jewish marriage contract ...
Equal Partners (sample text)
This ketubah witnesses before God and all those present that on the ____ day of the week, the _____ day of the month of ____ in the year five thousand seven hundred and _____ corresponding to the _____ day of the month of _____ in the year two thousand and _____ the Holy Covenant of Marriage was entered into at _______ between the bride,____ daughter of ______and _____ and the groom,____ son of ____ and ______ . And both declared: According to the traditions of Moses and the people Israel, we are consecrated unto each other. We desire our lives to be intertwined forever and for our love to be eternal. We shall treasure, respect and honor each other. We shall support each other in achieving spiritual, intellectual and emotional fulfillment. We promise to be full and equal partners in life and to do everything within our power to permit each of us to become the persons we are yet to be. Together may we create a home that is rich with wisdom and caring, built on Torah and acts of lovingkindness, a home filled with love, learning, and generosity. May we celebrate the flow of the seasons and the passages of life with joy and reverence. May our lives together be illuminated by our people's heritage. From this day forward we are as one. Accordingly, we enter into this covenant of love, companionship, peace and friendship. And all herein is valid and binding.

For all pictures, click here for the photo set:
Madhu & Mandy's wedding