Hi twinga-blog addicts :-)! Several people complained that I haven't updated my blog since last weekend. Well, what I can say: do you want me to ONLY write nonsense, or occasionally wait until something really moves me ... for instance such a trivial thing like the German supermarket in Redwood City! Yes, today I went out with my dear colleague Theresa who went with me to "
Gourmet House Staudt," just a few blocks down the street from the office. And, what can I say, I was amaaazzzed. They had Milka chocolate in all shapes and flavors, Kinder Surprise, Wuerstchen, eingelegter Hering, Knorr Soups (hurrayyyy!!!), many many different kinds of beer, German jams, etc. etc. I think I finally feel home :-). The owner wore Lederhosen, but had a North German accent. Why is it that North Germans suddenly LIKE to present themselves as Bavarians, even though they usually make fun of them??? We should charge a fee for
pretending to be Bavarian - was meint's ihr??? But to be fair, I haven't asked him where he's from, and maybe he just forgot how to speak his mother tongue ;-).
Ah, nah nah nah!! I found it "
Wiesbaden ist die Geburtsstadt von Lothar Staudt und seine Jugendjahre verbrachte er in der Nähe von Köln." Wiesbaden belongs to Hessen, so I was right! :-) But never mind - I'm glad Lothar aka Joe will from now on supply me with Kaesekuchen, Apfelstrudel, and Wiener Schnitzel! Wunderbar!

Inspired by having found something German, I searched for "German supermarkets San Francisco," (question to self: why didn't I do this earlier?), and I found another one that's described as follows:
Lehr's German Specialties - This one-of-a-kind store specializes in everything German, from chocolates to cosmetics to compact discs and videos. It's the perfect place to find a birthday present for your uncle Hans or to pick up an oom-pah-pah CD and start celebrating Oktoberfest any month of the year.
HA!!! I just noticed how German I really am: I have an "Onkel Hans," my grandpa loved oom-pah-pah, and the first time I ever got wasted was at Oktoberfest :-). Welcome to my world. PROST!
P.S.: And of course I'm also married to an Bavarian ...